DMRC Admit Card 2016 - 2017 Download Hall Ticket 2016 Online

DMRC Admit card 2013:

Delhi metro Rail Corporation introduce a post for Senior System Analyst and Junior Engineer in stream related to electrical,electronics,mechanical,civil.candidates who have applied for the job post can download the admit card from their official website.

Important Dates:
Beginning date of application: 25/4/2013
Last date of application: 16/5/2013
Venue of examination will be mention in the admit card.

The hyperlink for downloading the admit card for DMRC:

The selection of the candidates is based on three phases which is as follows:
1.       Written exam consists of two papers which contains multiple choice questions.
2.       Next phase will be Personal Interview of questions.
3.       At last, shortlisted candidates will be called for medical test.
The final selected candidates will be recruited and placed in their subsidiaries and receive a handsome amount of salary.

Hall Ticket/Admit Card Procedure:
After completing the registration process, candidates can download the admit card from their official site.
Visit the site and follow the link to computerize your admit card.
Fill the necessary details needed for admit card like application number, birth date etc.
Then Click on submit button to download the admit card.
Please bring your admit card at the time of examination at each phase otherwise may not allowed to proceed in examination.
Please also bring any identity proof for the verification purpose before the examination.

Please check all the details mention in admit card.
Please check the spellings of your name and address.
Programmable devices are not allowed. Calculators without data connectivity and non-programmable are allowed in the examination hall.
Please read all the key points of question paper before proceeding to the answers.
Please bring your all available utensils for filling the answer sheet .Use black pen or Pencil to bubble the answers in OMR sheet.

For more details and notifications, please visit their bonafide site:


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