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             SSC CGL Recruitment 2014-15

SSC publishes the advertisement for inviting the applications regarding the various posts in the Grade ‘B’ and Grade ‘C’ under CGL (Combined Graduate Level) Examination 2014. Get more update on .Candidates have to make either online or offline registration latest by 24th of February, 2014.  The other details regarding the posts are given here: 

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1. Group B Posts:

Assistant, Assistant (Cypher), Inspector, (Central Excise), Inspector (Preventive Officer), Inspector (Examiner), Inspector, Statistical Investigator Gr.II and Inspector

2. Group C Posts:

Inspector of Income Tax, Assistant Enforcement Office, Sub Inspectors, Divisional Accountant, Auditor, Accountants/ Junior Accountant, Upper Division Clerk, Tax Assistant, Compiler, Sub Inspector

Age Bar:

Applicants’ maximum age should not be more than 26yrs Statistical Investigator Gr. II Post, candidates should in age group of 20 yrs - 27 yrs for the posts of Assistant/Sub Inspector in CBI and for all the rest posts, candidates should be 18 yrs - 27 yrs. The age will be reckoned as on 01/January/2014. Age will be relaxed to the candidates of reserved classes.

Educational Qualification:

The minimum qualification for the post is Graduation from the recognized university/college. Candidates should have studied Statistics as subject at Graduation for the SI post and Eco/Stat/Maths subjects for the post of Compiler.

Application Fee:

The charges of the application is Rs 100/- for the Unreserved and OBC candidates. Candidates who belong to ST, SC, PD, ExSM, Girls Etc. need not to pay the application charges. The application fee will be paid through “Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS)”only that can be obtained from the post offices and must be affixed application form. The CRFS should be cancelled from the post office and must be duly stamp. Fee can also be paid through Challan Form deposited in SBI or availing the Online Banking of the SBI.

Selection System: 

The selection of the candidates will take place through Written Test, CPT (Computer Proficiency Test), Skill Test and Personal Interview.

Steps to Apply: 

1. Refer the official URL of SSC that is &

2.  The Registration Process will consist of 2 Parts. 

3.  Part 1 of the Registration Process need to be completed by the candidate which comprises Personal and Educational details.

4. A Registration Number will be generated if the page is successfully submitted. 

5. Candidates have to take the print out of the Application Form.

6. Candidates have to upload signature and photograph during Part2 registration process and here they have to complete the payment formalities.

7. Submit the page and receive the E-mail in the regard to successful registration.

8. Keep the Challan Copy and E- mail copy for the future purpose.

Significant Dates:

Commencement of Online Registration: 18/January/2014

Application Receiving Deadline: 24/February/2014.

Application Receiving Deadline for Remote Areas: 21/February/2014

Tier 1 Exam Date: 27/April/2014 & 04/May/2014

Tier 2 Exam Date: 30/August/2014 (Paper 3) and 31/ August /2014 (Paper 1 and 2)

Official Website of the SSC:

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