DRDO Admit Card/Hall
Ticket 2013:
Defense search and development organization is a military
community whose head quarter is at New Delhi .Applicants who has applied for
the various job posts can download their Hall ticket Entrance card from the
link given below. There are different link given for different posts as per the
requirement you can download the hall entrance card. For more information,
please visit their official site.
The link for
downloading the Hall entrance card is http://drdo.gov.in
DRDO Admit card 2013 Download Hall Ticket -
For the post of Scientists:
For the post of Technical Staff:
For the post of Admin and Allied:
For the post of student training and projects: http://drdo.gov.in/drdo/English/index.jsp?pg=job_student.jsp
For the post of Research:
For more information related to the post and the hyperlinks,
please visit their official site: www.drdo.gov.in
Hall Ticket
Entrance card:
Individuals can use the link given above as per post given
They can download their hall ticket entrance card by
clicking on the link as for the post they have applied for.
Follow the link and fill all the details for the page for
browsing your Hall entrance card.
If any of the details in the Hall ticket entrance card is
incorrect, then please inform to the authorized community immediately.
Please follow all the instructions before the examination.
Any mistake in the OMR answer sheet may be lead in scanning problem
of your answer sheet.
Please follow their official site, for more notifications
and links.
Venue of the examination place will be specified on the Hall
ticket entrance card.
Duration hours of the written test will be written on the
Hall ticket entrance Card.
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