Punjab TET Admit Card 2016 - 2017 Hall Ticket 2016 Download Online

PUNJAB TET Admit Ticket/hall Token card 

Punjab introduced a job for the recruitment of teachers through the teacher eligibility test. Interested applicants can download the Admit Ticket/hall Token card from the hyperlink given below.
The job location for the shortlisted candidate will be Punjab only.
Venue of the examination will be stated, on the admit entrance card/hall ticket card which has been decided as per the choice mention by the individual on the application form.
Punjab TET date of the examintion: 8th September, 2012
Admit card will be issued from the date as mentioned on their official site.

The Link to their official site for downloading the entrance ticket card:himachal.nic.in/hpsssb
Criteria for the examination:

For the faculty recruitment for the class 1st to 5th:
CD.P (Child development), PD (pedagogy) - 30 quests. of 1 mark.
Language-1-30 quest. of 1 mark each.
Language-2-It consists of 30 quests. of 1 mark each.
Mathematics-It consists of 30 quests. of 1 mark each.
Environmental Education-It consists of 30 quests. of 1 mark each.

For the faculty recruitment for the class 6th to 8th:
CD.P (Child Development and pedagogy) - It consists of 30 quests. of 1 mark each.
Language-1- It consists of 30 quests. of 1 mark each.
Language-2- It consists of 30 quests. of 1 mark each.

Admit card/Hall Token/Entrance card for TET Punjab 2013 Procedure:
Individual can follow the hyperlink to their official website.
Pick up choice for the Admit card/Hall Token/entrance card for the teacher eligibility test in Punjab.
After filling the blanks of the details or info, individual can browse the Admit card/Hall Token/entrance card.

Must bring the photo copy of Admit card/Hall Token/entrance card; on the day of examination for verification purpose or may not allowed to get into the examination hall.
For further notifications and advices, Please refer their link to the official site.


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