University Result 2014-15 osmania.ac.in Degree Exam
The Osmania
University has conducted the university examination in the months of
July/August and now the results are being revealed by it one by one. Recently,
the university has disclosed the results of B.Ed (DM) (Reval), MCA (Reval) and
MA (CDE) courses. Get more update on recruitmentinfosite.com . Candidates
who have taken examination in any of the aforesaid courses may check their
results as per the method described below.
Result Downloading Steps:
The process
of accessing results is very simple and that is through online. Candidates have
to go official website of their university and select the “Online Result”
column. Select the result link of your course. Enter the Hall Ticket Number and
submit the page.
NOTE: The hall
ticket number constitutes the digits ranging from Eight to Twelve. For Eg.
00496733, 003857399 etc.
About University:
University regarded as 7th oldest university of India that founded
in 1918 in Hyderabad. The University, since its inception, has been progressing
and sustaining remarkably in the integration of several faculties. It has
essentially made contribution in the academic development and thereby the
economic development of country.
Official Website of Osmania University can be referred
for more results: osmania.ac.in
Important Notification for You:
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