SCRA Syllabus 2014-15 Examination Pattern Study Material Online
Special Class Railway Apprentice (SCRA) examination is held to select Intermediate pass out students for the apprenticeship programme of 4 yrs under Railway Ministry. The detailed syllabus of SCRA Exam is provided here. Get more update on .Aspirants should take a look once so that they can face no problem while preparing for the exam.
SCRA Syllabus 2014-15
English: Vocabulary, Error Correction, Grammar and basic understanding of English language.
General Knowledge: Candidates should have knowledge regarding History of India, Political Science and Social Science.
Psychological Test: Candidate has to prove the Intelligence and cognitive ability in this section.
Topics included in Physics:
Measurement of Time and Mass , Newton's Laws of Motion, Momentum, Impulse, Work, Energy and Power, Length Measurements using Vernier, Screw Gauge, Spherometer and Optical Lever, Velocity and Acceleration, Straight Line Motion and Relationships among Displacement, Coefficient of Friction, Electric Field, Electric Charge and Potential, Coulomb’s Law, Electric Current; Electric Cells, E.M.F. Resistance, Ammeters and Voltmeters, Ohm’s law; Cathode rays, Specific Resistance and Conductivity, Resistances in Series and Parallel, Discovery of the Electron, Bohr model of the atom, Diode and its use as a Rectifier Etc.
Topics included in Chemistry:
Physical Chemistry: Chemical Bonding, Atomic Structure, Energy Changes in a Chemical Reaction, Electro-Chemistry, Chemical Equilibria and Rates of Reactions, Natural and Artificial Radioactivity Oxidation, Etc.
Inorganic Chemistry: Metallurgical Processes, Group I Elements, Group II Elements, Group III Elements, Group IV Elements, Group O, Hydrogen, Etc.
Organic Chemistry: General Methods of Preparation, Halogen Derivatives, Ethers, Tetrahedral Nature of Carbon, Carboxylic acid, Nonstructural Treatment of Carbohydrates Polymers , Aldehydes and Ketones Etc.
Topics included in Mathematics:
Algebra: Union and Intersection of Sets, Concept of a Set, Complement of a Set, Venn Diagrams and Simple Applications, Null set, Universal Set and Power set Etc.
Trigonometry: DeMoivre's theorem, Expansion of Sin n0 and Cos n0 in a series of multiples of Sines and Cosines, Domains, Ranges and Graphs, Heights and Distance, Solution of Simple Trigonometric Equations.
Analytic Geometry (two dimensions): Pair of straight lines, General Equation of Second degree in x and y — condition to represent a pair of straight lines etc.
Differential Calculus: Algebraic Operations on Continuous Functions, Continuity of Functions - Examples, Geometrical and Physical Interpretation of a Derivative, Derivative of a Function at a Point, Etc
Vectors and its applications
Integral Calculus and Differential Equations
Statistics and probability
Examination Pattern of SCRA:
Paper Parts
Name of the Subjects
General Ability Test (English, General Knowledge and Psychological Test)
Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)
Maximum marks allotted to each section are 200 thereby making total of 600. Duration to complete each part is 2hrs.
Students should refer their Intermediate course books /NCERT for preparing Part 2 & Paper 3 papers. For Part- 1, they should read the NCERT books from 6 to 10th level.
For practicing questions, they can refer many exercise books that are specially designed for this exam like books being published by Arihant.
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