Central Bank Of India
Admit Card/Hall Ticket 2013:
Central bank of India introduces recruitment every year with
the various job posts. Candidates who have applied to recruitment in banking
sector can download their admit card/hall ticket from the link which follows
their Official Site: www.centralbankofindia.co.in
The Recruitment process is done through written examination
conducted by IBPS.For applying to central bank of India ,Individual must have
valid score card in IBPS.If the individual marks lie in between the cut off
introduced by Bank, then they will be invited for an interview.
The shortlisted candidates will be provided with job
location in their subsidiaries.
Important dates:
Beginning date of application: 22/12/2012
Last date of application: 7/1/2013
Last date of receipt of trnsaction: 7/1/2013
Date of examination and other details as such venue of
examination and timing of examination will be mention on the admit card.
Admit Card/Hall
Ticket Procedure:
For downloading the Admit card/Hall ticket, Candidates must
have to visit their official site.
Please click on the course you have applied for.
A new page will be opened which ask your personal details
regarding registration number, birth date, password etc.
Download the Admit Card/Hall ticket to have a seat in the
examination hall.
Please bring your Admit Card/Hall Ticket with a verification
Id proof at the time of examination otherwise may not be allowed to enter in
the examination premises.
Please see all the details mention in the Admit Card/Hall
Ticket must be as per written in application form otherwise on the day of
examination no excuses will be listened whish may lead to cancel of seat of
Please bring ball black pen or HB Pencils for filling the
answers in OMR Sheet.Answerin g with blue pen is not allowed.
Please read all the instructions properly before proceeding
to the examination.
Reach to the examination center on time.
For more information, please refer their official site.
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