CDS Admit Card/Hall
Ticket 2013:
Combined Defense Services is n examination conducted by
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).CDS examination normally held in the 9th
month i.e. September. Candidates who have applied for CDS examination can
download their Admit Card/Hall Ticket from their Official site.
The link to their
Official site is:
The Admit card/Hall
Ticket is been issued from the 15 days before the examination.
Selection Scheme:
The selection of the candidates is based on the written
examination conducted by UPSC.
The written examination includes the following fields:
English, General Knowledge, Mathematics of 100 marks each from every section.
The shortlisted candidates will be then invited for
walk-in-interview for final selection. The selected candidates will be placed
in any of the branches of Union Public Service Commission.
Way to download
the Admit Card/Hall ticket:
Applicants are requested to visit their official site for
downloading the Admit Card/Hall Ticket.
Please follow the link for Admit Card/Hall Ticket for CDS
Enter the required details asked by the admin on the page.
After successful filling of all the entries, please download
the Admit card/Hall Ticket by clicking on download button.
Please remember while downloading the form, a printer must
be attached to your system.
Take a print out copy of Admit Card/Hall ticket by pressing
Control and P key for printing.
Admit Card/Hall
Ticket Disciplinary:
Individuals who had downloaded the Admit Card/Hall Ticket
are requested to bring any verification ID or identity proof ID with the Admit
Card/Hall Ticket at the time of examination.
Late comers are not allowed to enter the examination
hall.So, be punctual on the day of examination. Reach on center at least one
hour before the examination.
Calculators of normal powers are allowed with no data
connectivity devices. If any operators with data connectivity operators are
found inside the examination hall, then it may lead to rejection of individual
from the recruitment6 process.
Detail Info will be provided on their official site.
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