CRPF Admit Card/Hall
Ticket 2013:
Central Reserve Police Force came into existence in
1939.There main purpose is to protect the borders and to secure from the crime
occurring all over India. Candidates those who have applied for the recruitment
for police forces could download the admit card/Hall ticket from the link.
The selection of the candidates is based on written test
.The shortlisted candidate will be then invited for medical test. The selected
candidates will then recruit with a monthly allowance.
Written test will be held on: 14/4/2013
Medical test will be on 29/6/2013
For more details related to selection procedure, please
refer to their site.
Admit Card/Hall
Ticket Procedure:
Individuals can download the admit card from the link given
for their official site.
Enter your Application number and date of birth for
downloading the Admit card/Hall ticket.
Please check all the details mention in admit card /hall
ticket is correct or not. If there any wrong printing of details, then please
repot immediately through Query messenger mentioned on site.
After checking of all the details, then only download the
admit card/hall ticket for the examination.
Download the admit card and take a print copy of admit
card/hall ticket by attaching printer to your system and pressing control &
P key to print the admit card/hall ticket.
Key to Revoke:
Don’t miss your admit card/hall ticket as it has to be bring
with individual for entering into the examination hall.
Programmable operators and data connectivity devices are not
allowed in the examination hall.
Standard calculators with no data connectivity are allowed
in the exam.
Please bring your necessary utensils needed for answering
the answers and filling the details.
Misbehave in examination premises will not be tolerated.
Please follow the instructions mention in paper before
answering the answers on OMR Sheet.
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