CSJM University Admit
Card/Hall Ticket 2013:
Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University is one of the
leading university in UP region at Kanpur.CSJM university offers various
courses BA,BSC,BCom etc.Applicants who has applied for various courses in CSJM
can download their admit card from the link
to their Official Website.
The examination date is 14th May 2012
Admits card/Hall ticket will be issued as mention on the
official site. For the details related to dates of admit card, candidates are
requested to visit their site regularly.
Applicants can
download the admit card/Hall ticket from the link: kanpuruniversity.org
How to download
the Admit Card/Hall Ticket:
Individuals are requested to follow the link given above for
downloading the admit card.
Follow the link for Hall ticket or Admit Card and proceed
for downloading by selecting for the course individuals has applied.
By selecting for the courses applied, please download the
admit card or hall ticket by filling the entries asked by the page on their
Guidelines to
Please take print out copy or hard copy of Admit Card or
Hall ticket which has to bring at the time of examination otherwise not allowed
for the written examination
The center of the examination will be at Kanpur.
The venue of the examination will be mention on the admit
card or Hall ticket card.
Please check all the details mention in admit card/hall
ticket is as stated by you in application form.
If applicant found any error related to details mention in
admit card/hall Ticket then please report immediately before the examination.
Please be on time on the day of examination otherwise will
be expelled from giving the examination.
Data connectivity operators are not allowed at the time of
examination. If found during the examination will result into immediate
rejection of the applicant.
For more notifications and advices, please refer to their
official site: kanpuruniversity.org
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