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LIC FSE Recruitment 2014

India’s biggest and reputed Insurance Sector Company, LIC has invited application for the engagement of the Financial Services Executives (FSE) in the Odisha, Bihar and Jharkhand (East Central Zone) on three years agreement basis. Applicants can send their application form till 23/09/2013.

Vacancy Particulars about LIC FSE:

Total Divisions: 11

Name of the Division: Sambalpur, Begusarai, Patna 1, Cuttack, Bhagalpur, Hazaribgh, Berhampur, Jamshedpur, Bhubaneswar, Muzaffarpur, Patna II.

Total Vacancies: 66(Unreserved: 41, OBC: 7, SC: 09 and ST: 09) 

Service Tenure: Three Yrs

Remuneration: Rs 10,000(1st Yr), 11,300(2nd Yr) and 12,700(3rd Yr)

Educational Prerequisite:

Any Graduate can apply for the job and the degree should be recognized College/University. Those who possess the Marketing Diploma/Certificate and having the good knowledge of local language and English may apply. It is also desirable to have functional knowledge of computers.

Age Restriction:
The age of the candidate must have crossed 21yrs but not 35yrs with reference to 01 Apr, 2013. The maximum age for the ST and SC applicants is 40yrs and OBC (Non Creamy) layer is 38yrs. For rest categories’ reservation, check the official note.

Method to Appoint:

The corporation will organize the written exam if required, on the completion of which, the arrangements for Personal Interaction will be done. The invitations will only be made those candidates who successfully qualified the written test. It is also to note that LIC can screen out the candidates for written exam & Interview as per the requirement. LIC will inform the candidates about their exam venue and date.

The candidates short listed after this will need to acquire IRDA license by the means of Theoretical Training in order to do the LIC business. The candidate will be finally engaged as FSE on accepting the terms and conditions lay down by the Selection Board of LIC.

Applying Procedure:

The application should be sent by the applicant on the plane sheet of paper. The letters should be in capital letter that could be either typed or hand written. The application must be enclosed with the DD, signed copy of the Caste, Education, Service Discharge and DOB and send at the required address.

Registration Charges:
The registration charge Rs 100/- needs to pay by the applicants in the shape of DD in favor of ‘’Life Corporation of India’’ that should be payable at Headquarters of Division. Write the DOB and Name at the back side of DD. Also super scribed the envelope with the ‘Engagement of Financial Services Executives’’.

Official Link:

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