SSC MTS Recruitment 2016 - 2017 Exam Advertisement Online Apply


 Staff selection commission is a public sector organization through which skilled and multitask staff are slected.It came into power in 1975, with its headquarters at New Delhi. Get more update on . It has its various Zonal centers all over India at places Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Guwahati, Allahabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Raipur and Chandigarh etc.

SSC has come into existence with 1267 post for multitasking staff.Their main responsibility is to arrange files and data, sending of FAX, dispatching products, cleaning, other work, etc.

Post eligibility:

·         A candidate must have High School qualification from any board or university.
·         Candidate must be either from India, Nepal or Bhopal or Tibetan refugee who migrated to India.
·         Age eligibility is from 18 to 25 years.

Application Criteria

·         Visit the link to download application form.
·         No transaction will be deducted for women’s, SC/ST, Physically Handicapped and Ex-serviceman.
·         Online: After filling of form, take print out of E-slip or challan, which is payable through any SBI or use Debit card /Credit Card
·         Offline: Candidate should pay Rs.100/- through Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS) available at   Departmental Post Offices of the country. Recruitment Fee Stamps should be placed on application form on the space provided .If CRFS is not attached, and then your application form must be cancelled. On cancellation of form by post office, a candidate registration must be cancelled and must be sent to office of regional centers of Staff Selection Commission.

Allowance Payable: Rs5200 to 20200/- including Grade pay of Rs.1800/-
Recruitment Process:

The selection is based on written test followed by a PI of candidate. The test will be conducted in three parts. In part-I the test will contain multiple choice questions and in part-II, there will be subjective type questions.For Part-III every candidate must qualify part –I & II for next round of interview.

Part-I: 150 marks

Duration: 2 hours & for PH-2 Hours 40 minutes

For every wrong answer 0.25 marks will be deducted from total marks gained.
·         General Intelligence & Reasoning- It contains 25 questions of 1 mark.
·         Numerical Aptitude- It contains 25 questions of 1 mark.
·         General Awareness- It contains 50 questions of 1 mark.
·          English Language- It contains 50 questions of 1 mark.

    Part-II: 50 marks

Duration: 30 minutes & for PH-50 minutes
Short Essay/Letter in English and Vernacular language
·         Interview of candidate.
·         All the essential certificates must be present at the time of interview.

Date to remember:
Last date of online registration: Part-I: 10th April, 2013
                                                   Part-II: 12th April, 2013
Date of Examination: Exam-I: 10th June, 2013
                                    Exam-II: 18th August, 2013

For more details please visit there Official site:

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