SSC Multitasking Non Technical Recruitment 2016 - 2017 Exam Advertisement Online Apply

SSC Multitasking Non Technical:

SSC came into existence with 509 posts for recruitment of Multitasking Non Technical Staff.

Applying eligibility:

·         A candidate must have Intermediate qualification from any board or university.
·         Candidate must be either from India, Nepal or Bhopal or Tibetan refugee who migrated to India.
·         Age eligibility is from 18 to 25 years.

Application Criteria:

·         Visit the link to download application form.
·         No transaction will be deducted for women’s, SC/ST, Physically Handicapped and Ex-serviceman.
·         Online: After filling of form, take print out of E-slip or challan, which is payable through any SBI or use Debit card /Credit Card
·         Offline: Candidate should pay Rs.100/- through Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS) available at   Departmental Post Offices of the country. Recruitment Fee Stamps should be placed on application form on the space provided . Get more update on . If CRFS is not attached, and then your application form must be cancelled. On cancellation of form by post office, a candidate registration must be cancelled and must be sent to office of regional centers of Staff Selection Commission.

Allowance Payable: Rs5200 to 20200/- including Grade pay of Rs.1800/-

Selection criteria:

The selection is based on written test followed by a PI of candidate. The test will be conducted in three phases.In phase-I the test will contain multiple choice questions and in Phase-II, there will be subjective type questions.For Phase-III every candidate must qualify phase –I & II for next round of interview.

Phase-I: 150 marks
Duration: 2 hours & for PH-2 Hours 40 minutes

For every wrong answer 0.25 marks will be deducted from total marks gained.
·         General Intelligence & Reasoning- It contains 25 questions of 1 mark.
·         Numerical Aptitude- It contains 25 questions of 1 mark.
·         General Awareness- It contains 50 questions of 1 mark.
·          English Language- It contains 50 questions of 1 mark.

    Phase-II: 50 marks
Duration: 30 minutes & for PH-50 minutes
Short Essay/Letter in English and Vernacular language
·         Interview of candidate.
·         All the essential certificates must be present at the time of interview.

Key Dates:
Last date of Registration: Part-I: 5th, December, 2012
                                         Part-II: 7th December, 2012
Examination date: 17thFebuary, 2013

For more details please visit there Official site:

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