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SSC Recruitment 2014-15

SSC has disclosed the dates for the registration and written test dates for the Combined Graduate Level Exam 2014. Get more update on . Candidates who have been waiting for this exam can now apply as the registration is still on and will be closing on 14- Feb-2014. Check out the various details regarding SSC CGL 2014 exam.

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I. Group B Vacancies:

Inspector, Assistant, Assistant (Cypher), (Central Excise), Inspector (Examiner), Inspector (Preventive Officer), Statistical Investigator Gr. II Inspector

II. Group C Vacancies:

Assistant Enforcement Office, Inspector of Income Tax,  Sub Inspectors, Divisional Accountant, Tax Assistant, Auditor, Accountants/ Junior Accountant, Compiler, Sub Inspector, Upper Division Clerk

Academic Condition:

Candidates should have completed Bachelor course from the reputed college. For Statistical Investigator Post, candidate should have studied Statistics as one of the subjects and for the Compiler Post; candidate should have studied Economics, Mathematics or Statistics as subjects.

 Chief Dates:

Deadline for Part I Registration: 12-Feb-2014 till 5 PM

Deadline for Part II Registration: 14-Feb-2014 till 5 PM

Hard Copy of the Application Form should be submitted till: 14-Feb-2014 & 21- Feb-2014 for the far flung areas.

Written Test Date (Tier I): 27- Apr-2014 and 04- May-2014

Written Test Date (Tier II): 30-Aug-2014 (Paper III) and 31- Aug -2014 (Paper I and Paper II)

Age Condition:          

Those candidates who wish to apply for the above mentioned posts need to fall in b/w 18 years to 27 years of age but for Statistical Investigator Post, the maximum age should be less than 26 years and for the Asst/Sub Inspector in CBI, the minimum age should be 20 years. Age will be calculated as on January 1st, 2014. Age grace is also granted to the SC/ST and OBC candidates.

Selection Criteria: 

The selection of the candidates will take place through Written Test, CPT (Computer Proficiency Test), Skill Test and Personal Interview.

Registration Money:

For candidates falling in Unreserved and OBC categories, it is required to pay Rs 100/- through Challan Form paid in State Bank of India or making payment through SBI Internet Banking. Those applying offline mode need to pay the charges through CRFS mode which can be received from any Post Office authorized by SSC.

Way of Applying: 

Candidates can apply through offline filling up the application form or by visiting the official link of the Staff Selection Commission and apply online. Candidates applying offline, have to send the complete application form to the concerned SSC address. Those applying online mode, need to complete application form in two stages and take the print out of the same for the future use. 

Official Website of the SSC:


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