EAMCET Engineering Admit Card 2016 - 2017 Download Hall Ticket 2016 Online

EAMCET Hall ticket 2015 - 2016

EAMCET is an Engineering,Agricultureand Medical Common Entrance test which is headed by JNTU Hyderabad under the APSCHE.The interested candidates who want to have admission in engineering ,agriculture or medical field can registered in EAMCET.
Registered candidates can download their Admit Card/Entrance Card from the link as http://www.apeamcet.org/Content/HTDisplay.aspx

Key dates:
Date of the examination and duration hours will be represented on the Admit Card/Entrance Card.
Date of the examination will be 10th May, 2013.

Admit Card token/entrance Card Downloading Procedure:
Applicant is requested to open the link given above.
Enter your registration number and then press tab.
Enter your qualifying examination hall ticket number and then press tab.
Then choose the stream, you have applied for engineering or agriculture /medical.
Then press the tab generates hall ticket.
The hall ticket for EAMCET will be produced which individual has to browse and download the hall ticket. While generating the admit card/Hall ticket, please attach printer to your system or save the file to your desktop for later use.
Individuals are requested to bring the hall ticket compulsorily at the time of the examination.

Instructions for the exam:
Please follow all the relevant at the time of the recruitment .Late comers are not allowed to enter in the recruitment process.
Please don’t misbehave or arguments with invigilator or other individuals will not be tolerated.
Data conncectify devices or smart phones are not allowed in the examination premises if found at the time of recruitment, candidate may expelled out from the recruitment procedure.
Please all the original documents at the time of personal interview for the verification purpose.

For more notifications, please visit the link to their official website.


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